Omerful of Manna

"This is what the LORD has commanded, 'Let an omerful of it be kept throughout your generations, that they may see the bread that I fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.'"

Monday, January 19, 2009

Don't Get Comfortable

It is the golden hour. The sun is starting to set and is traveling along to tops of buildings, teasing those who hunger for its warmth on their backs and faces. And I can see the sunlight rest upon the edge of my balcony.

I've already listened to Brandon Heath's song "Don't get comfortable" three times and it never seems long enough. Like those people craving the sun, I crave the truth in Brandon Heath's song to seep in and warm my soul.

Today wasn't lonely so much as a little heavy in contemplation. I find myself pressing into Jesus like a new wife to her husband--holding him close, so excited about the future and the life the two will share. Sometimes, though, as I try to please my eternal love, I grow impatient with myself and nervous about my ability to be who God wants me to be.

But the song meets me and calms me. I listen and I remember God is working in and through all things for my good and more importantly, working all things for his glory. I remember that each breath is a miracle and each realization of need for growth is a miracle and God gifts me again and again as HE moves me into the life HE planned for me.


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