Over the past few days, I've experienced COMPLETE satisfaction. I had no idea it could be like this. I don't know if it will continue or if it is just for a season, but the love of Jesus has filled me up to overflowing and I long to share it with everyone I know more than ever before. It is beautiful. It is in submitting to His considerate, deep and precious authority and love. It is in pouring out my fears and joys before Him and trusting Him with them. It is in pressing into Him and finding that I don't want to ever leave His presence! How sweet is it to be caught up in the arms of the Savior!!
For a couple years now, I've talked about my walk with Christ being largely focused on learning to seek satisfaction in nothing, but Jesus. I knew to a degree what it meant to be satisfied by Him, but I wonder if this is some kind of special birthday gift that I never want to disappear. I think God started to teach me about this when I was staying at the church in London. We walked into a church that smelled like mold, was far from being in perfect condition, had rooms without daylight and had two sets of doors, one to lock people from the street out of the church. We couldn't use public transportation and unless God was leading, weren't encouraged to tell people about Jesus for the safety of our group in light of the largely Islamic neigborhood in which we were staying because of the bombings in the previous weeks. I felt caged in. I went back to my sleeping bag and recall fighting back tears before I poured my heart out to God, asked for His help. It wasn't until I started thinking on the work of Jesus on the cross, did I feel better. My then greatest fear of my soul before the all knowing eyes of God had been taken care of by the purifying transformation work Jesus did on the cross!! The contemplation of such costly things cared for by God and the fact that I was serving God and all that could keep Him from the world was me gave me a new joy in the midst of challenging conditions.
I knew that Jesus was the source of my satisfaction and joy, but this is bigger and somehow covers over more. I don't know how to describe it. May you be blessed with the same satisfaction found in loving Jesus that I am now experiencing and may it overflow to others in your life!
For a couple years now, I've talked about my walk with Christ being largely focused on learning to seek satisfaction in nothing, but Jesus. I knew to a degree what it meant to be satisfied by Him, but I wonder if this is some kind of special birthday gift that I never want to disappear. I think God started to teach me about this when I was staying at the church in London. We walked into a church that smelled like mold, was far from being in perfect condition, had rooms without daylight and had two sets of doors, one to lock people from the street out of the church. We couldn't use public transportation and unless God was leading, weren't encouraged to tell people about Jesus for the safety of our group in light of the largely Islamic neigborhood in which we were staying because of the bombings in the previous weeks. I felt caged in. I went back to my sleeping bag and recall fighting back tears before I poured my heart out to God, asked for His help. It wasn't until I started thinking on the work of Jesus on the cross, did I feel better. My then greatest fear of my soul before the all knowing eyes of God had been taken care of by the purifying transformation work Jesus did on the cross!! The contemplation of such costly things cared for by God and the fact that I was serving God and all that could keep Him from the world was me gave me a new joy in the midst of challenging conditions.
I knew that Jesus was the source of my satisfaction and joy, but this is bigger and somehow covers over more. I don't know how to describe it. May you be blessed with the same satisfaction found in loving Jesus that I am now experiencing and may it overflow to others in your life!
At 6:39 PM,
Frank & Alita said…
I just randomly came across your blog & love it! We have a lot in common...I'm a Bible college graduate and I've spent time doing mission work in London and N. Ireland in the past. I'm curious about where you went to school and who you've done your mission work with? I am actually getting ready to move to Africa this Monday for the next two years to work with AIDS victims. Anyway, I just wanted to reach out to a sister and say hey! God bless! ~Alita
At 11:48 PM,
MostHighsBeloved said…
I went to Multnomah in Portland, Oregon. Where did you go for Bible college? The trip to Northern Ireland with Royal Servants International. They take HS students all over the world to tell people about Jesus and to disciple the students at the same time for short-term mission trips. I went to do be a discipler. I will try to visit your blog from time to time to keep up with you and pray. Thanks for commenting. It is exciting hearing what you are doing and knowing I've got another sister out there! Many blessings to you as you head to Africa!
At 10:56 AM,
Frank & Alita said…
I went to Puget Sound Christian College in Everett, WA. I knew a few people at Multnomah a few years ago, but mostly just friends of friends. I will try to catch up on your blog once in a while too. The Christian journey is exciting, & I love hearing about other people's experiences.
Love & Blessings,
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