Omerful of Manna

"This is what the LORD has commanded, 'Let an omerful of it be kept throughout your generations, that they may see the bread that I fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.'"

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My Oak Tree

I've been wanting to climb a tree the past few days and decided that I wasn't going to let the lack of company keep me from doing it anymore. It was going to be amazing. I'd watch the sun go down while leaning against the trunk of the tree.

After the long walk from my car to the tree, I quickly realized that the bottom branch was reachable, but not mountable. The rope swing that was thrown over the lowest branch didn't help much either. I made a good jump and grabbed ahold of the tree with my arms, but that only resulted in a skinned wrist.

God and I spent some time talking this afternooon about the things I had hoped to accomplish by this point in my life or am confused as to why things didn't work out like I had hoped. With His lovingkindness, God seemed to tell me that it is okay to be where I am right now, even if I had all these wonderful plans that aren't coming together. I don't know if He is simply saying wait or if He is telling me to not think I can do all these amazing things. Either way, nothing happens without Him being there to give me that little extra height to get me to that first branch of the tree I've been wanting to climb for a while now.

It is hard knowing that He gets to decide if I get to do the things I hope for, but it also is easy. He is good. He loves me deeply. He isn't lacking in resources. It simply isn't about me.

It is about Him.

My life is about Him.


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