Omerful of Manna

"This is what the LORD has commanded, 'Let an omerful of it be kept throughout your generations, that they may see the bread that I fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.'"

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What to Do?

Sometimes, I wish Jesus would give us a model of what a Christian ought to look like, and a guide book. Oh, wait, I think we've got all that...for 2,000 years ago. Today seems more difficult to translate.

I've got a lot of friends that love Jesus. I know that is what really matters, but sometimes I struggle to understand where the line is between freedom in Christ and stupidity/disrespect toward God. I've got a couple of friends that love Jesus, but are cool with stuff I would consider ethically questionable. How can they do that? Does it not grate at their conscience? Accepting them as Post-Moderns causes some serious problems. Does it not make it nearly impossible to lovingly restore those in sin from sin with such loose definitions?

I don't understand the Donnie Darko watching, swearing, smoking for "better conversations," CD burning, Pat Robertson/Dr. Dobson hating, Pot-smoking in Canada, anti-Bush, elitist, critical Christians. Just as I feel about the cookie-cutter Christians, I love these people and often agree with their priorities, but can't decide what to think of them.


  • At 11:25 PM, Blogger wormeyman said…

    i wouldn't call it hating but i'm not a big fan of dobson/robertson and their scare tactics to raise money for their political views. The rest i don't do and it's not post modern they're "emergent" christians :p.

  • At 11:43 AM, Blogger MostHighsBeloved said…

    Hey Eric and Aaron,

    Thanks for the comments. The "Dobson/Robertson" thing was a little harsh to combine, I agree. On the other hand, there isn't much of a difference in the level of respect both receive among these people. I'm inclined to agree with much, but not all of what Dobson has to say and still respect him as a Christian. I don't really know anything about Robertson.

    At first, it seemed cool to respect them, but time has shown me that it isn't okay to think well of many of these things. They are strong personalitied leaders with degrees that says they know their Bible better than I do. As would be expected, they are very against anyone pushing views on them, which is exactally how it would come across for me to discuss this with them.

    I've got a friend in peticular I'd really like to talk with about the situation. He understands it well and will either cool my jets or get me fired up depending on what is needed. If only I could get ahold of him! Be praying for me in all of this guys. Thanks for the thoughts. Take care.


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