The biggest part of who I am is loving least that is what I want for my life. Because of the amazing effect that He has had on my life, I long for everyone I know to experience the same love relationship that I have with God. Jonh Mitchell, one of the most treasured professors at my old Bible College used to say, "Oh, that you would fall in love with the Savior." and that is where I am. There is a richness in the relationship that isn't found in doing good things for people, following the rules or sitting in church week in and week out. No, falling in love with Him is like nothing else in this world...except maybe falling in love with an incredible man or woman.
If you would like to have this kind of relationship, I guarantee that you won't regret it. All that you need to do is realize that you can't have a relationship with God as a human.
Romans 3:23 says that "...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." This means God's perfection cannot accept anything aside from perfection .
Romans 6:23 tells us "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." What we deserve, by "falling short of the glory of God," is death. However, there is hope.
Romans 5:8 offers us God's gift of "eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord," when it reports, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." This means that Jesus took our imperfection on Himself when He died on the cross and that He gave us His purity and perfection. Not to say that Christians are perfect, but Jesus, as God, was able to cover over our sins so that we could know God and become like God.
The only catch is that we have to believe this. These truths are where a relationship with God begins. Without accepting the gift of Jesus's righteousness, God can have nothing to do with a personal relationship with you. He wants it ever so much, but He will not force you! If you would like to believe, but find yourself struggling, ask God for faith. The Bible tells us that faith is a gift that God delights in giving.
If you've read this far and still think this "falling in love with the savior" stuff isn't for you, then stop for a minute to ponder what is for you? How long will money serve you? How long will pleasure serve you? Are they chasing after you or are you chasing after them? I am telling you about someone that has chased you all of your life, that longs to know you personally and that doesn't lay out demands, but offers a life more amazing than can be imagine. Don't think about what you will leave behind. Think about what you will be embracing.